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Friday, September 28, 2007

The Beauty of Rain

"It's raining, it's pouring... the old man is snoring..."

The number of days it's rained here since May can be counted on one hand. As much as we've enjoyed the sun and warmth, we welcome the refreshing rain that's falling today. Our land is so thirsty! And to enjoy the beauty that comes in small droplets of water...

"Let tHem praiSe the LORD for HIs great loVe and for all his wONderFul deEds to theM. For HE saTifiEs the THirsty and filLs the hUngRy with gOod thiNgS." -- Psalms 107: 8-9

And the reference to "the old man is snoring"-- it actually applies! Dwayne went steelhead fishing last night and the photo of his catch was taken at 2 a.m. this morning. So, fish for dinner, then we're off to snooze!

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